Half a Butt
Half a Butt
Yesterday (Monday, 9/25 here), Phil drew the rape (rah’-pay), the tankarangi double spirals on my butt. Quite a few times, erasing with alcohol in between. While I stood on the massage table for several hours, which was as hard as it sounds. It tickled a bit while he drew.
He came up with a simplified design compared to what Rangi’d drawn on my body four months ago, but with the same basic elements.

Today, Rangi came by the moko pod first thing to take a look at what Phil’d done, and made a few minor suggestions for changes, the same ones I’d called out to Phil when I saw him in the morning.
Phil was quickly re-drawing on my butt while I stood, when Mark arrived to set up for filming. Phil’s design, including mango pare on the inside upper corners of each butt check, is spectacular (see above)
I lay face-down on the table, and Phil recited a karakia with his gloved hand on my left butt cheek.
Then he proceeded with the inking of my left butt spirals. With help of a 22-year Maori man Rangi is also mentoring, Kariei, who helped hold down the glute and stretch the skin of my butt cheek, while Phil inked.
All the drawing is done with me stranding, so that when the lines are distorted when I lie down, and particularly when they are stretching my skin, Phil simply has to trust and follow the lines he drew while I stood.
We did the outlines of the design in one and half hours. Some parts were very painful, particularly near the underside of the butt, along the butt crack, and particularly at the top of the butt crack towards the ‘butt dimple.’

I got up for a quick pee, and then right back on the table for Phil to draw and ink the radial pakati lines on the butt spirals. This took a painful two hours.
Between not having lunch, and the endurance of pain while lying on my stomach for so long, I was a little unsteady on my feet when I finally stood up.
After the left butt was cleaned and compressed, Kariei took photos for me (below).
When I got home to a cold Vrbo on a cold, rainy day, I popped Indian food into the oven to heat up while I took a warm shower. A bit tricky since I had to thoroughly clean the left inked butt cheek with chlorhexidine wash, while trying to keep water off the right butt cheek, so as not to wash off the lines Phil had drawn there, which he will use tomorrow for the right butt cheek inking!
I was amazed when I looked at the left butt cheek in the mirror at home, after I’d showered.
It’s perfect!! I’m so psyched!
On to the right butt cheek tomorrow!